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Xã Bình Thuận

Đảng ủy, HĐND, UBND,UBMTTQ Việt Nam phường đi thăm các trường học trên địa bàn phường nhân Ngày Nhà giáo Việt Nam 20/11
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Fishery production in the quarter was estimated at 65,608.9 tons, up 6.3%

Seafood production in the quarter was estimated at 65,608.9 tons, up 6.3% (3,896.2 tons) compared to the same period in 2019.

In particular, capture fisheries production was estimated at 64,600.4 tons, up 6.3% (3,811.1 tons). Marine exploitation was 64,446.8 tons and domestic exploitation was 153.6 tons.

Aquaculture production reached 1,008.5 tons, up 9.2% over the same period last year due to changing farming time and there are many different types of harvest.